Body Care Sets

9Month Stretch Kit

Gifts & Value Kits by Basq NYC
Basq NYC 9Month Stretch Kit | Apothecarie New York
Three essential steps to prevent and repair stretch marks in one value kit

Three easy steps to Mark Free Skin. Exfoliate, Protect and Treat. The must have Body Essentials for stretch mark prevention and repair all in one super value kit.

Citrus Sugar Perfecting Scrub: Use all over body in the shower. Use deep circular movements on the belly, hips, thighs to promote greater tone and firmness.

Resilient Body Stretch Mark Oil: Use all over body to improve texture and tone. Best when used after a warm shower. For problem areas of belly, hips and thighs massage into skin in a firm circular motion.

Advanced Stretch Mark Butter: Use daily on Stretch Mark prone areas on the breasts, belly, lower back, hips and thighs. For existing Stretch Marks apply twice daily to affected area.

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