
Bikini Line Basics: Quick Tips and Ingrown Hair Treatments to Keep Your Beach Bod Blemish Free

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Sexy Body, bikini line, ingrown hair, Tips

Waxing, shaving—oh, the annoying and often painful things we go through to keep our bikini line smooth and sexy. But good news for when you've got to wince and bear it in the name of hair-free: Thanks to a few handy pre-removal tips, you can get through it without a flinch or even a bump. Read on for making your shaving or waxing experience a happy, smooth one (and an ingrown hair treatment too!):   If You Shave: First of all, review your tools. You’ll want a razor that’s sharp, clean (replace the blades every couple of weeks) with at least...

Want to Know How to Look Younger? Working an Anti-aging Regimen into Your Routine, No Matter What Your Age

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Flawless Face, complexion, daily regimen, skincare

You’re young, you've got a glow, and there’s nary a wrinkle in sight. So why do you need to start with anti-aging products? Studies show that how you treat your skin in your twenties and early thirties will have an impact on the way you age. Yes, you read that right: An anti-aging regimen is key for keeping future wrinkles from forming. Read on for how to look younger in the years that come: You Can Try a Retinol: Retinoids, derivatives of Vitamin A, are powerful youth boosters. They stimulate collagen and exfoliate, leaving you with plumper, firmer and smoother-...

3 Tips to Avoid "Diet Skin" and Keep Your Healthy, Glowing Complexion

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags advice, diet skin, Skin Concerns

Sure, you've been coasting on your diet, losing a couple of lbs. a week . But what you don’t know is that new slender figure may be costing you your youthful, bright complexion. With less fat that keeps your face looking glowy and full, your skin is dehydrated, lacks color, and looks dull (from a sluggish cell turnover). How do you reverse that dreaded diet skin? Nutrients! Feeding your face the proper nutrition—as in diet-friendly fruits and veggies—as well as applying a mineral-pumped skin cream, can bring it back to the lustrous look you had pre-weight loss. So read on,...

Skin Tone 101: How to Get an Even Skin Tone

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags complexion, Gorgeous Skin, skin tone, Tips

We’re all born with an even skin tone,  but thanks to UV rays, acne, even pollution, that pretty, gorgeous-looking skin slowly gives way to hyperpigmentation and brown spots. But not every discoloration is created equal: Your skin color plays a big part in determining damage and how it will show up on your complexion. Want to know what’s happening with your skin? Take a look in the mirror, and read on:   If You’re Fair: Because you burn easily, your skin is likely to accrue a lot of damage. Plus, that pale tone puts a spotlight on discoloration, like broken...

Got Severe Acne? Acne Remedies to Discuss With Your Dermatologist

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags acne, clear skin, help, Skin Concerns

Yes, you've got acne—so what are you doing about it? If you've tried everything in the drugstore and had mediocre results, then it’s probably time for something stronger. The best full-strength, serious acne remedies are prescribed by a dermatologist. And, lucky you, there are plenty of options, from popping oral meds to laser treatments. Before you book your appointment, though, make sure you give your OTC remedies the old college try—it takes 6-8 weeks to really see results—and read up on what you can expect from an RX:   Retinoid Creams: Ask your doc about a retinol cream, such as...