
Eat, Drink and Snooze : The Best Skin Care You Could Ask For

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Gorgeous Skin, skincare, Tips

So you've been using creams and serums and lotions, and yet, your skin isn't showing an ounce of difference. Well, it may be time to take a hard look at your lifestyle. That’s right, whatever you eat, how much you drink and how long you sleep can influence the state of your complexion. Want the best skin care for your face? Make sure these tips become a habit.   Eat Your Fish Fishes rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna, will increase your skin’s moisture levels and give it a healthy, luminous look. If you’re not...

Clear Skin Starts Here! 3 Great Acne Remedies You Can Use Today

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags acne, advice, Skin Concerns, Tips

We’ve surely all been there: You go to bed with clear skin, only to wake to find a smattering of pimples in your t-zone. Well, before you declare a bad skin day, take a good hard look at your beauty routine. Those products you’re using to clean off and moisturize your skin? They may be the very reason you’re seeing a zit eruption. You probably need to include acne remedies that prevent blemishes and dry up existing ones. Check out our guide to making your pimples disappear—today and always:   Revamp Your Cleanser Since some acne is caused by a...

Don't Pay for Spa Treatments! DIY Hydrotherapy For Better Skin Texture

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags Gorgeous Skin, hydrotherapy, skin, Tips

Got tired muscles and dimply-looking skin? Sure you can go to a spa and receive a pricey, soothing treatment, but we’ll let you in on a little secret: you can get the same results at home in your shower, armed with a few products and a little know how. That’s right, hydrotherapy—the therapeutic treatment that stimulates the lymphatic system to treat everything from illness to skin texture—is easy to replicate with the pulsing, water pressure from your showerhead. Want to give it a whirl? Read on.   Pre-Treatment First, set up your “spa” experience. Grab one of your fluffiest, comfiest...

Up and Away: Our In-Flight Dry Skin Treatment Plan

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags airplane, dry skin, Gorgeous Skin, Tips, travel

Jetting off on a summer vacay? Well, your skin will need a serious break after you've been up in the air. Whether it’s a quickie or an overnight, the lack of humidity during flight times (sometimes it’s less than 10%!) zaps your skin’s natural moisture, and can trigger a host of other not-so pretty issues, like annoying breakouts, a dull complexion and nasty-looking flakes. Sure you can apply moisturizer after, but to keep your skin looking as pretty as it does on land, use your in-flight time to work on a dry skin treatment plan, like ours, below: Gear up...

Tanned and Sexy. How You SHOULD Be Applying Your Self Tanner

Lisa Cohen Lee

Tags A Sexy Body, apply, self tanner, Tips

Ok, so you've had a run in with self tanner before— and it left you streaky, orange-ish and oh-so-not sexy looking.  But that stops today. Yes, you can be beautifully radiant, super sexy and just plain awesome with a faux glow. The secret is having a plan, like the one below, and mapping it out ahead of time. So what are you waiting for? Ready, set, glow!: PRE-GLOW ●Figure out how you’d like to apply the self tanner. Formulas are varied, from foam, spray or lotion, and some are tinted that give you insta-color, while others are gradual slower variations...